School Events/ Announcements

Pelham High School Events/ Announcements  

January 23
PHS Curriculum Night- upcoming 10th-12th graders and parents are invited to attend.

5:30-6:30 pm-
Rising Sophomore parents & students report to Auditorium for presentation
6:30-7:30 pm-
Rising Juniors & Senior parents & students report to the Auditorium for presentation
5:30-7:30 pm-
Teachers will be in Main Gym to meet parents & students at Dept./ grade level/subject area tables. 

Please make every effort to be in attendance for out curriculum night. It is vitally important that our students and parents make good decisions while registering for classes. PHS teachers will be available to answer questions and inform you of our offerings. We look forward to seeing you! 

January 25
Sadie Hawkins Winter Formal
Click here to see informational flyer
Please see Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Dubberly, or Mrs. Harrelson for any questions about the dance.